Provoke & Inspiere The Podcast about following Jesus in a Post-Christian world

“Provoked and Inspired” doesn’t even begin to cover how much I’m feeling listening to these guys talk. The discussions of faith and art are moving me and changing me. I started from episode 1 and I just let it play all day.

Manda T - Apple Podcast Review

This podcast is consistently encouraging, challenging, interesting, and entertaining. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to dig into what it means to represent Christ in cultures that view the Gospel as something archaic or problematic.

jpalusky - Apple Podcast Review

This is one of my favorite Podcasts. With an eclectic crew brining persuasive and insightful commentary on todays Christian culture, church, and assumed beliefs, this is a refreshing and encouraging perspective on the world we are living in.

Edgar Fishbine - Apple Podcast Review

I enjoy this podcast very much. It has it all. You laugh, you cry, you’re inspired, maybe even provoked! I love David’s stories and the example these guys set of living out the gospel of Jesus wherever and however Jesus sends them. Give it a listen!

Jesse Jorgensen - Apple Podcast Review



Carl Lentz and the Power and Pitfalls of Public Vulnerability

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Should public figures publicly confess when they fail morally?

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Don’t listen to podcasts? No worries, we got you covered! The Provoke and Inspire blog deals with the same deep and challenging topics through the power of writing!

Pick Your Team and read our story

Welcome to the vibrant heart of the Provoke & Inspire Podcast! We navigate through culture in the most dynamic ways, thanks to our fantastic four: Ben, Chad, David, and Luke.
Fancy a favorite? Click through to uncover the tales behind the voices and pick your team along the way.

Team Ben

Aka “Mr. There you have it”

Team Chad

Aka “Mr. Forehead”

Team David

Aka “Mr. Random”

Team Luke

Aka “Mr. Tinysuit”

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