3 Things to Do BEFORE Sharing the Gospel With Anyone
Ben Pierce
Looking around, it's clear that people need Jesus more than ever. And it’s not just people “out there.” We all have friends, sons or daughters, co-workers, and neighbors who are far from God.
What do we do? The simple answer: We need to tell them. As the Apostle Paul reminds us, “But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?” (Romans 10:14)
That said, there are three things you should do before you share the Gospel that are critical if you want to be fruitful:
1. Ask God for a Broken Heart.
It sounds strange, but it’s possible to share the Gospel with someone and not really care about them. We can be motivated by religious guilt or obligation, or even by self-righteousness. Paul warns us that without love, even dying for our faith will accomplish nothing. (1 Cor 13:3)
We have to be motivated by a genuine love for the lost.
Not only will this give us the proper humility, but it will make it much easier for people to hear what we have to say.
2. Pray Like Never Before.
You might be asking, “How do I get a broken heart for the lost?” Prayer.
I am not naturally concerned for others. I’d imagine you are like me. What I’ve experienced is that when I seek God, my heart begins to change. God changes my perspective and priorities. He allows me to see what He sees, and this is crucial.
Before you share the Gospel, commit to praying in a new way. Write down the names of the people you want to see God reach, and begin to seek Him desperately. Ask for His heart and His power because without it you will accomplish nothing.
3. Develop Authentic Relationships.
In addition to asking God for a broken heart for those around you, take practical steps to develop authentic relationships with nonbelievers. I say ‘authentic’ because these friendships cannot simply be a means to an end. Pursue people because you really want to be their friends. Show interest in them because you really are interested.
This is crucial for two reasons. First, you can’t truly love what you don’t know. As you open your life to those around you, God will further break your heart for them. Second, these relationships will give you essential insight into the thoughts, dreams, fears, and hopes of those around you.
This will shape how you share the Gospel, making it less like a pre-rehearsed script and more like a powerful answer to the deepest questions people you know are asking.
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October 17, 2024
Provoke and Inspire is an official podcast of the mission Steiger International. For more information go to steiger.org
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