Being Like Jesus in a "Pride Month" World

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Ready or not, it’s Pride Month. Thirty days (give or take) of LGBTQ+IA parades, product lines, and events. For many people, this represents significant progress. Only a few decades ago, most countries that are now enthusiastically tolerant of all sexual expressions, rejected and shamed anyone in a non-heterosexual relationship.

It’s hard to imagine such a world ever having existed, given how things are today. To an observer of the trends in mainstream ideology, this shouldn’t be surprising at all.

First, we relegated religion to something private, not fit for public life and discourse (Secularism). Second, we removed any transcendent or objective source of morality (Relativism). And third - ignoring step two - we elevated the acceptance of all beliefs and ideas as our one socially enforced ethic (Tolerance).

In light of this triad of deeply embedded philosophical ideas, an entire month devoted to ‘anything goes sexuality’ isn’t odd - it’s logical. Every religion has its festivals, and Pride Month is Secular Humanism’s Christmas.

How does a follower of Jesus, as an increasingly alien figure, live in this “Pride Month” world?

It’s tempting to go into fight or flight mode. You either set out to be the person who will do “battle” against this destructive ideology, or you avoid these conversations altogether. Superficial and peaceful is better than deep and messy, right? I think that neither arguing nor running away is an effective way to reach someone for Jesus.

I see in the life and example of Jesus three principles that might provide some crucial insight as we navigate this challenging month embedded in a changing world.

In no particular order…here we go!

PRINCIPLE 1: Love is not optional.

Jesus didn’t see problems or projects; He saw people and He loved them. He didn’t just talk about loving them, but rather He proved His love by meeting their needs. He cared for the poor, lifted up the outcast, and delivered the afflicted.

Like Jesus, the foundation for our response to a broken world must be love. We need to love people deeply and sacrificially. Too often we see “them” as the enemy, yet Jesus' heart breaks for those who are far from Him. 

Our hearts should break too - and if they don't, we’d be better off staying home and staying silent.

PRINCIPLE 2: There is no room for self-righteousness.

Jesus was ruthless in confronting self-righteousness because it is an attitude that undermines the essence of the Gospel: we are all sinners in desperate need of grace. Having a ‘holier than thou’ attitude reveals that we don’t understand why Jesus came, died, and rose again.

As we consider how to engage a lost world, we start with the plank in our own eye. This self-examination should reveal our sinfulness. And the resulting dose of reality gives us the humility we need to call others to take hold of Jesus’ saving hand, just as we have.

PRINCIPLE 3: Relationship comes first.

Has a stranger’s criticism ever successfully inspired you to change? If you’re like me, it’s more likely to elicit a four-letter word response. In light of this, how do we expect to reach people we don’t know?

I believe in proclamation evangelism, and I’ve seen God move after concerts and on the streets countless times. And yet, I still believe that the most effective evangelism happens in the context of relationships.

Rather than taking aim at Pride Month as a disembodied ideological enemy, look to develop relationships with those who think differently to you. Share your life with them. Love them, and in the context of your friendships, tell them what’s true.

Genuine relationships don’t make sharing counter-cultural truth easy, but they greatly increase the chances of being heard. Ultimately, it’s the Holy Spirit's job to do the rest.

None of these principles ensures that your message will be palatable and your popularity intact. Preaching biblical truth in a “Pride Month" world is very much like oil and water, but if you’re going to be rejected, let it be for living as Jesus did - not as Pharisees.

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June 7, 2024

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Ben Pierce

Aka “Mr. There you have it”

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