How Do I Share the Gospel with Someone Who Doesn't Care?

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When it comes to sharing the Gospel, give me the angry atheist or the new-age hippie! But someone who just doesn't care? This is the most challenging conversation of all.

Apathy can be one of the most difficult barriers to overcome when telling someone about Jesus. What do you say to a person who is completely disinterested in spiritual things?

Let me offer two approaches that can be helpful.

1. Ask Good Questions

Often a person's indifference is a front. Ask someone questions like, "What would you change about the world if you could?" or "What makes you angry?". Their response will reveal that they do care about deep questions. And this can open the door for a spiritual conversation.

2. Offer Prayer

There are people for whom no argument will work. Sometimes we have to accept our limitations and allow God to do what only He can.

When I find myself talking to someone who doesn’t seem to care, I will end with, "I can't prove that God exists, but can I invite Jesus to reveal Himself to you?”

Almost no one has turned me down, and this simple prayer has often had a profound impact in ways that my words did not.

Apathy, like any other barrier to the Gospel, can be discouraging. But there is hope.

Ask good questions and take a risk in offering prayer. You can rest knowing that God’s love can reach even the most indifferent heart!

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October 17, 2024

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Ben Pierce

Aka “Mr. There you have it”

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