Should We Care When Celebrities Come to Jesus, e.g. Joshua Bassett?

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As a kid, I was always jealous of people with "cool" testimonies. Rebels running from their stuffy religious past, falling headlong into drugs and near-death experiences, only to miraculously encounter Jesus and turn it all around.

When I was 14, I bought an Eminem CD without my parents knowing. Does that count? Regardless, I’ve come to accept my ‘boring’ faith story, but I still marvel at how God rescues people in extraordinary ways.

A recent example is Joshua Bassett, a famous singer/songwriter and actor from High School Musical (The Series). On January 5th, he tweeted,

"Jesus Christ is the only way. His death and resurrection are historically documented. Turn away from hate, seek forgiveness, and come home to Him."

He shared at a church service how running from God led him to depression, eating disorders, and suicidal ideation - but in Jesus, he has found peace.

Fans wondered if he had been hacked, especially because he'd previously outspoken about his traumatic religious upbringing. But those suspicions didn't last very long as Joshua continued to post about his new faith in Jesus. He then shared a video on Instagram which showed him getting baptized at Bethel Church.

Fans expressed their disbelief, pointing out that he came out as a "bisexual atheist who opened up about his struggle with mental health," and was now getting baptized in a megachurch that purportedly supported conversion therapy.

He responded by tweeting:

"I visited this church and happened to get baptized here - I was unaware of some of their policies and beliefs, and do not endorse all of them. My heart is for Christ and Christ alone!"

For all of the Hollywood drama of Joshua's conversion and public declaration of faith, I don't envy him. Coming to Jesus as a public figure can’t be easy, especially when you have ties to the LGBT community - who aren't exactly fans of evangelical Christianity.

I would like to offer three ways that we could support Joshua, and others like him, as he navigates a very difficult road.

1. Celebrate (Cautiously) 

When a high-profile person comes to Jesus, we should celebrate - but with an awareness that their fans feel betrayed. They see this as a loss for their "team" and a win for ours. With this in mind, we need to celebrate without a hint of triumphalism.

Instead, we appreciate Joshua's new life in Christ and remind all of his fans that the door is open, and all are welcome.

2. Be Patient 

Joshua is a brand new believer, and sanctification is messy. He will make mistakes, but so will you and I. The difference is millions of people don't have a front row seat to everything we do wrong - so let’s be patient.

Jesus doesn’t expect people to clean themselves up before coming to Him. He captures the heart first, knowing the behavior - and the theology comes later. We need to follow Jesus’ example, and not get hung up on the outside stuff.

Being patient also means not expecting Joshua to become a leader or spokesperson for the faith immediately. Out of sincere excitement and desire to see more fruit, we tend to elevate baby celebrity Christians to a position of influence before they are ready.

This is the worst thing we could do to Joshua. I hope he can hide away and allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen his faith, distant from scrutiny.

3. Pray

Finally, let's pray for him. Pray that God renews his mind, strengthens his faith, and builds him up. Pray against the schemes of the enemy who wants to take him out.

Most importantly, let’s pray that God would bring mature followers of Jesus into his life that can help Joshua grow. Discipling someone with money and fame isn’t easy. If you have access to them, that can feel good, and you may not want to lose it.

He needs someone willing to share the truth regardless of the consequences to their relationship. Pray that God brings this person into his life.

This blog post is not just about Joshua. It's about anyone in your life who has walked away from their faith. It's about God's power to transform lives.

It's about a world buried in darkness, desperate for truth, and a God busy rescuing people of all kinds - even celebrities. And it’s about you and me and the role God would have us play to bring His love to a hurting world.

Want to watch the full conversation? Check out
Joshua Bassett, Canceling Roald Dahl, and One Year After the Invasion of Ukraine

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February 27, 2023

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Ben Pierce

Aka “Mr. There you have it”

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