Episode 100: Chris Pratt’s Speech, Breaking the Law to Preach, and he Zero-Tolerance Policy.

June 21, 2018



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This episode features all four regulars breaking down several important topics. They talk about actor Chris Pratt’s courageous speech at the MTV awards and what we can learn from his approach to sharing the Gospel. Next, they discuss when it is appropriate for followers of Jesus to break the law for the sake of Gospel and specifically cite Steiger’s recent evangelism in Russia during the World Cup. The ask how do we balance being “good citizens” and maintaining our ultimate allegiance to Jesus? Finally, the dig into the Trump administrations enactment of the “zero tolerance policy” and the devastating consequences on asylum seekers and their families. They discuss Attorney General Jeff Session’s use of Romans 13 in defense of the policy and how as followers of Jesus we should respond to this heartbreaking situation Find out what the guys think about these intense topics!

Provoke and Inspire is an official podcast of the mission Steiger International. For more information go to steiger.org

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