Episode 188: Special Guest Dr. Tim Keller Talks Effective Evangelism to the Modern World.

November 27, 2019




In this episode, Ben, David, and Luke talk with none other than Dr. Tim Keller! Among several topics, they discuss questions such as, “where is the role of just sharing the plain gospel with people? and, “should lifestyle sermons be preached in churches?”David reminisces about the shocking time a man would not eat his own food on a commercial flight, and Nigel interjects his political agenda, all on this week's Provoke&Inspire.Relevant Links: IsThereMoreDr. Timothy KellerDonate to Steiger on Giving Tuesday

Provoke and Inspire is an official podcast of the mission Steiger International. For more information go to steiger.org

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Episode 188: Special Guest Dr. Tim Keller Talks Effective Evangelism to the Modern World.